Policies and procedures

DSC00050 v2All policies and procedures are available for parents and staff to read at all times. Policies and procedures provide an essential framework for the staff to use when taking decisions about day-to-day management of Playwell Pre-School.

The Policies and Procedures which Playwell Pre-School have adopted are:-

  1. Administering Medicine
  2. Admissions and Attendance
  3. Behaviour Management
  4. Complaints procedure
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Curriculum
  7. Diet
  8. Equal Opportunities
  9. Fire safety Statement
  10. Food Safety
  11. Health and Hygiene
  12. Health and Safety
  13. HIV and AIDS
  14. Ill Children
  15. Intimate Care
  16. Lost and Uncollected Children
  17. Mobile Phone
  18. No Smoking
  19. Outings
  20. Parental Involvement
  21. Payment of Fees
  22. Peanut Allergy
  23. Record keeping
  24. Safeguarding Children
  25. Safety
  26. Selecting Equipment and Toys
  27. Settling In
  28. Special Needs
  29. Staff Absence
  30. Staffing and Employment
  31. Staff Development
  32. Staff Disciplinary Procedure
  33. Staff Grievance Procedure
  34. Student Placement
  35. Whistle Blowing